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The quality of furniture hardware accessories is to enhance

Hardware share in the furniture is very important.  The reason why high-end furniture, is good, on the one hand, is because of its good use of materials, technology, and strong; on the other hand, is a good selection of quality hardware, it all depends on the storage function of hardware configuration.  In addition to material factors, the hardware configuration is the high and low furniture, important differences.

Hardware key depends on the quality of surface smoothness, and attention is turned on feeling smooth asked to move without noise or noise is small. Hardware will have a direct impact on a set of comprehensive quality furniture, furniture for normal use and the service life is essential.  If a set of good furniture and good quality, and creates a high quality of living space; then the hardware is in this space elves, dutifully defending the peace and tranquility of furniture.

The inconvenience of using the furniture, largely because of the improper selection of furniture hardware accessories, or lack of result. The quality and grade of furniture are largely reflected in the selection of the hardware accessories.  The door of the shed, annoying the squeaking sound is generally caused by the poor quality of the parts.  "As long as there are corresponding hardware components, highly complex multi-functional furniture can be produced." Visible furniture hardware plays an important role.

Good quality furniture hardware accessories is to protect the key. For example, the importance of the hinge, door no matter the size, weight, each door with at least three hinges to be installed to ensure the normal life and to prevent the hinged door twisted, distorted.  Select hinge points to note: First, we must consider the material and structure of the door; second is to consider the door's size, thickness, and weight; third is to consider the frequency of door opening; fourth is to consider the decorative effect; 5 is to consider humid air, dust, erosion and other environmental damage; 6 is to consider the price.  Good hinge can be according to space, with the door opening angle of the hinge having the corresponding match, the door to all kinds of conditions can have degree stretch.

Again, a unique hinge on the slide can allow people to easily have a beautiful folding door.  This hinge design to overcome the traditional glide path is easy to dust due to the shortcomings of beauty, so that sliding doors walk freely along the track above, unique flavor.

People often say Quality in the details.  The level of quality furniture depends largely on the selected hardware accessories. Furniture Hardware design and development should be in line with the principle of being people-oriented, the pursuit of safe, convenient, environmentally friendly, fast, and keep hing-tech product research and development in order to catch up with the world advanced level.

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